Saturday, April 16, 2011

Chapter 19- Parachute


It's decided. I will drive the Nova back to Baker while Edward drives a U-Haul and tows my car. When I decided to move back to Forks after graduation, I left things with Alice that she would ship to me when I asked for them. I am taking it all with me when I leave this time. This move is permanent.
"Baby, how many boxes do you think you need?" Edward asks from the doorway of my bedroom, pulling me from my thoughts.
"I'm not really sure but not many. Most of my stuff is still in boxes. Maybe five or six?"
"Okay, I'll be back in a little while. Don't move any boxes, Bella. I'll do it when I get back," he says before he bends down to place a kiss on my forehead.
"Yes, sir," I say and give him a mock salute.
When he leaves I throw myself down onto my bed and try to comprehend everything that is about to happen. I realize that I can not even handle the thought of being apart from Edward again. I admit that it wasn't the worst thing that had ever happened to me, but I know that since I can prevent it, I will. Why should I be the cause of my own discontent? I'm scared, and I'm not sure that everything will be perfect. Is anyone ever sure of that? What I do know is that I love Edward, Edward loves me, and I don't want to waste anymore time. I voice my needs and I know I am heard. Edward did not discourage me or belittle me and it spoke volumes. I am secure in the knowledge that I will be supported and encouraged on any endeavor I choose to pursue. That feeling of security that Edward gives me is what seals the deal for me.
I am pulling things out of my closet and folding clothes when Alice peeks her head in my door.
"Well this looks like a familiar scene. Except this time you are smiling. What's up Bells?"
"I can't let him walk away from me again, Ali. I seriously had a panic attack when we started to talk about him leaving. It may sound crazy, but I'm moving in with him. He's my home now, and I can't keep letting the insecurities of my past take him away from me. Am I nuts?" I ask as she pics up my favorite sweatshirt and pulls it over her head and pouts.
"Your not nuts, Bella. You love him. If he makes you happy, I don't see anything wrong with what you are doing. Though, I will tell you that I am keeping this sweatshirt." She hugs herself and leaves the room before I hear her voice again. "I love you, Bella. You always have a home here."
I smile and continue what I was doing. Soon, I have everything settled and ready for packing except for a few pieces of clothing and my toiletries. I make my way down the stairs and look around, taking note of anything that will be coming with me. I have some dishes, but I will leave those for Alice. I take my favorite coffee mugs and set them on the counter. It's strange that all I need from here are my mugs. It makes me even more confident in my decision.
Edward walks into the house a few minutes later with his arms full of boxes and I smile at him.
"Hey, you. Everything good?" I ask.
"Everything is great, Baby Girl. I even got you a present," he answers as he walks pass me to take the boxes upstairs.
I jump up from my spot on the couch and run up the stairs after him. When I reach my bedroom door, I find Edward sitting on the edge of my bed. When I get closer I can see that he is holding something between his palms. He looks up into my eyes and when he opens his palms I see that it is a tiny white kitten, a super cute, tiny white kitten.
"Oh my God, Edward!" I gasp and my hands instantly move to cover my mouth.
He smiles and brings the kitten to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on top of it's head. "He was in a box outside of the U-haul place. It just said 'free' on it. I couldn't leave him there all alone. Wanna keep him?" he asks wiggling his eyebrows at me.
"Of course I want to keep him! Can I name him Eddie?" I giggle.
"Bella, we aren't naming the kitten Eddie. Pick something else," he says as he sets the kitten on my bed and lies down next to it.
"Fine," I say as I lie down. "I choose Max."
"Max? I like it. Max it is." He places the kitten in my hands.
"Nice to meet you, Max," I say. "I'm going to take such good care of you." 


Edward and I get Alice to babysit so we can go shopping for necessities for Max. We need food, bedding and litter box supplies. I also want to get a gift for Alice. She's been so good to me and if I'm honest, I am really going to miss her. I let Edward drive us to the giant Target in Mission Valley. I follow Edward around the pet supply department for what seems like hours. He is being so picky about the things we buy for Max. He's so cute.
"Do you think he will like these?" he asks as he holds up a few little kitty toys.
"I think he will love them, baby." I smile at him.
We walk around the store as I try to think of what to give Alice. I decide to get her some gardening supplies since she mentioned planting new flowers. I'll come help her plant them in a few weeks. As we head for the checkout, we pass the electronic department and I get an idea.
"I'm going to get Alice a web cam. So I don't miss her face too much."
"Her computer doesn't have a camera?"
"No. She has this old desktop that she refuses to part with. I've tried to replace it, but she loves it so much I've stopped bothering her about it."
Once we get all of the three hundred dollars worth of purchases into the car and get back onto the road, I have an idea.
"Can you get on interstate 8 west and just drive until it ends. I want to do something." I dig through my purse to make sure I have my camera.
"The beach again, B?" He chuckles.
"Yes, the beach again. In case you have forgotten, I'm about to move to the desert with you. I just want to take few pictures before we leave."
"Whatever you want, my love." He reaches for my hand and places a light kiss on my knuckles.
Edward parks the car, and we make or way to the water hand in hand. I try not to be sad about leaving, because I really am excited to be starting a life with Edward in Baker. Before I can stop it a soft sob rises from my chest. I cuddle closer to Edward and try to climb into him. I can't get close enough. I feel his lips on my hair before he pulls me down into the sand with him.
"What's wrong, sweet girl?" he asks, brushing my hair away from my face.
"I don't know. I'm just sad all of a sudden. I think I'm just a little scared, baby." I sigh.
"Bella, you don't have to do this. It was your idea. Please don't cry." Edward starts to kiss my tear stained cheeks and somehow it takes some of my fear away. I'm not alone anymore.
I take my camera out of my purse and move so I can take some pictures of the water. I sit next to Edward and get some frames of our tangled feet. Then I lie on my stomach so I can get a picture of Edward with the sun on his face. My man looks hot in his Ray-bans, sitting on my beach. Finally, he stands and pulls me to my feet.
"Take a walk with me." he says, taking my hand without waiting for me to answer.
I squeeze his fingers and walk with him. I feel the tension melt away as we walk. He leads and I follow. It feels nice to have him take the lead. I walk with him until we have to turn around. The sky is turning pink and orange, and I can't help the urge to take more pictures. I snap a few of the sky and then I set the timer on the camera and set it on a rock. I pull Edward down until we are both on our knees low enough that the camera will capture us. I rest my cheek on his chest and we wrap our arms around each other. We don't need to smile; our happiness is palpable. The flash blinds us and marks my last hug as a San Diegan.


Bella freaked out for a second on the beach. I can't really blame her. She tossed her life plan out the window and has been improvising ever since we met. She was betrayed by Jake and now she's putting all of her hypothetical eggs in my hypothetical basket.
It's kind of a lot of pressure on me. The funny thing is I like it. It makes me want to make it work. I know Bella is worth this, she's worth everything. The idea of getting to keep her forever is both exciting and overwhelming. The idea of waking up with her tomorrow in our bed just makes me happy.
We walk into Alice's house to find her sprawled out on the living room floor playing with Max. He is crawling all over her, and she is cooing at him.
"Don't get to attached, Ali... he's coming with me." Bella giggles as she sets down the take out we bought for dinner.
"I know that, Bella. That's why I'm trying to get all of the kitty love I can before you leave." She cuddles the kitten to her face. "When are you leaving, by the way?"
Bella looks at me before she answers. "Tonight. We're going to load the truck after we eat and then get on the road."
Alice looks surprised, and I prepare myself for some tears. "Really? Tonight? Can't it be tomorrow?" she asks.
"Edward has work tomorrow, Alice. But hey! I got you a present!" Bella answers as she makes a show of digging through the bags looking for Alice's gift.
Bella takes the bag and goes to sit next to her friend on the floor. She takes Max out of Alice's hands and holds him up so I will take him from her.
"I got you some gardening stuff, you know, because we need to plant some shit. I'm gonna come back and help you do it in a few weeks. And to keep us connected, I got you a web cam!" Bella thrusts the the box containing the camera into Alice's face.
Alice is wiping the tears that I knew were coming off of her face. When she sees the camera she smiles. "You wanna video chat with me?"
"Of course I do! I'm gonna miss you so much, but being able to see you will make it easier. It did for Edward and I," Bella says, looking to me for reinforcement.
"It really did, Alice. The web cam became my favorite piece of electronic equipment ever. Seriously," I say.
Alice wraps her arms around Bella, and they both have tears running down their cheeks. I take Max and all of the bags from Target and make my way upstairs, leaving them to their good byes.
Soon enough, Bella joins me in her room where I have already started packing the boxes. Most of the piles she stacked on the floor are now sealed in cardboard and ready to be put into the truck.
"Looks like you have this under control, love. Do you want to eat?" Bella asks from the doorway.
"Maybe in a bit, baby. I want to get all of your things packed up and ready to go before I sit down. Is that okay?"
"That's fine. Where is Max?"
"I put him and his little toys in to that box over there," I say as I point to an open box over by the window. "It's his own little kitty playpen. He's fine and out of the way while I take care of business."
I smile at her as she walks up and hugs me. "Such a good daddy," she says, kissing my chin.
I'm not sure what my face looks like after she says it, but I feel like she punched me in the stomach. I watch as her eyes register the change in me, and I feel her body stiffen in my arms.
"I...I'm sorry, Edward. I didn't think before I said that." She places her hand on my face and brushes her thumb against my cheek.
I lean down to kiss her lips. "I know, angel. It's okay. I was a good daddy, and I'm sure I will be again one day." I feel her sigh with relief and it makes me feel guilty.
"I'm going to take some of this own to the truck. Can you grab some of the light stuff?" I ask as I head out the door.
"Sure, babe." I hear her say as I go down the stairs.
We spend a few hours packing up the truck, and finally we finish. I collapse on the couch and Bella goes into the kitchen to heat up the dinner we brought home. We eat with Alice and watch Max run around the living room. I'm anxious to get on the road because it's a long drive, and I want to get there before the diner closes so we can surprise Emmett and Rose. Bella finishes her food and stands to collect our plates. She walks them into the kitchen and turns on the faucet.
"I'll wash the dishes, Bell. You guys bought. Besides, shouldn't you get on the road before it gets to late?" Alice asks Bella but looks at me.
"Yeah, we should probably get going. If you're ready, baby girl."
Bella comes back over to me and sits on my lap. "I'm ready," she says.
We all stand and make our way out to the drive way. It feels right to be taking Bella home with me. She belongs with me, and I plan to spend forever proving that to her.
"Thanks for everything, Alice." I say, pulling her into my arms. "We'll see you at the garden party, and you have to come visit us soon."
"Oh yeah ! The party! I'll be seeing you soon, Mr. Cullen. Take care of my girl," she says, returning my hug.
"I will take care of her, Alice. Please, don't worry." I walk away and leave the girls to their moment. I know it won't be easy, but I hope that I can prove to Bella that we are worth it. From the moment that we drive away from this place, our life will be brand new and I can't wait.

I don't tell anyone about the way you hold my hand
I don't tell anyone about the things that we have planned
I won't tell anybody
Won't tell anybody
They wanna push me down they wanna see you fall down
Won't tell anybody that you turn the world around
I won't tell anyone that your voice is my favorite sound
I won't tell anybody
Won't tell anybody
They wanna see us fall they wanna see us fall down
I don't need a parachute, baby if I've got you
Baby if I've got you, I don't need a parachute.
You're gonna catch me, you're gonna catch if I fall
Down down down
Don't believe the things you tell yourself so late at night
You are your own worst enemy, you'll never win the fight
Just hold on to me, I'll hold on to you
it's you and me up against the world it's you and me
I don't believe anything, don't trust anyone anymore
But I believe you when you say we're never gonna fall
Hand behind my neck, arm around my waist
Never let me hit the ground, you'll never let me crash down
I don't need a parachute, baby if I've got you
Baby if I've got you, I don't need a parachute
You're gonna catch me, you're gonna catch if I fall
Down down down
I won't fall out of love, I won't fall out of, I won't fall out of love, I won't fall out of,
I won't fall out of love, I won't fall out of, I won't fall out of love, I fall into you
I don't need a parachute, baby if I've got you
Baby if I've got you, I don't need a parachute
You're gonna catch me, you're gonna catch if I fall
Down down down
I don't need a parachute, baby if I've got you
Baby if I've got you, I don't need a parachute
You're gonna catch me, you're gonna catch if I fall
Parachute ~ Ingrid Michaelson

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